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Message from Mr. Jean-Pierre Thébault, Consul-General of France  

Fraternity is one of the three core values inscribed in the official motto of the French Republic, a fundamental element of our social Charta. As such it reflects the basic wisdom that no society can exist, and develop successfully in a sustainable manner without taking care of all its members and guaranteeing that each and everybody is recognized and respected. This is a way to ensure peace and harmony, which also presupposes open debate and full freedom of expression.

Most of the religions do reflect the same concerns and, in their own ways, all over the World, participate to our well being. Without privileging any religion, France does by law respect all of them, and request all of them to respect each others as well as the non believers.

Buddhism, as one of the largest and most practiced religion in the World, has immediately gained its credentials as a faith of love, true respect and harmony. It is increasingly revered in France. This wonderful exhibition illustrates its intrinsic values and, at the same time, the magnificent contribution of China to its artistic expression.

Thanks to Paul and Champion Technology it also exemplifies how deep it influences the culture of Hong Kong, its extraordinary philanthropic culture, its benevolence, and the role Hong Kong and its community do play for a better knowledge of the Chinese culture and its many treasures.

I hope that one day such a magnificent display of fine arts which is also the expression of one man's sincere dedication to the community could be exhibited in France, to further enhance the deep understanding between us and illustrate what men of goodwill are able to achieve all over the World.

Jean-Pierre Thébault
Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau
