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Blessings from Grand Master Bai Long Wang
(White Dragon King)

The exhibition Peace and Harmony: The Divine Spectra of Avalokitesvara from Tibet, China is of great significance. It is hoped that visitors can appreciate the intentions of Paul Kan Man Lok, the host and organizer who put together this event. At the heart of Paul's message is “Heaven will help those who help themselves”, and this will not be achieved by merely worshipping the Buddha. The exhibition can be considered a success and my disciple Paul has accomplished his objective if at the end of the exhibition, visitors go away with the understanding that attainments can only result from their best effort. Likewise, it's a mission accomplished if readers of this commemorative journal can understand the teaching: “If you hope for happiness in your life, it would be more practical to make your own endeavours rather than merely chanting sutra all day.” If this book is preserved for posterity's learning, it is of even greater significance to you.

All the Avalokitesvara statues displayed at the exhibition are exquisite with superb craftsmanship. These solemn and gentle Avalokitesvara statues are held in great reverence. In fact all religions teach people to be good and benevolent. However, the majority only engage in praying for a happy family and a better tomorrow, instead of actively putting the teaching into action. This is a great misunderstanding.

After we make a prayer, we should immediately make good of ourselves. We can't become good automatically. We have to consider setting our goal in life and act on it. How can we do that? First of all, we should maintain good temper. In modern times people are under a lot of pressure and tend to lose temper easily. We should control our temper and refrain from shouting at our children and spouses, or anyone for that matter, as this will do harm to interpersonal relationship. Neither deity nor ghost scolds people. If you always scold your children rather than communicate with them patiently, they will disobey you, even reject you, and worse still, they are affected by the environment and become bad-tempered like you. The result of all this is poor relationship with friends which will be a great hindrance to the pursuit of anything, not to mention success.

We should first set the example to control our temper, then our children will follow suit, and we'll be able to enjoy better living. Most people fail to understand the simple philosophy that they have to start and work towards a goal, otherwise they cannot achieve a good and happy life. Good friendship and good relationship between and among wives and husbands, parents and children, brothers and sisters, derive from our conscious effort to maintain the same. Deity will only help those who strive to improve themselves. If you do nothing, deity will certainly not help you. You'll then find it difficult to improve yourself and attain happiness in your life. Most people scold the deity who does not answer their prayer. They take it for granted that the deity would help them as long as they say the prayer. In fact this is merely their wishful thinking. The truth is: the deity makes no promises. If those who pray do not take steps to improve themselves immediately after praying, then their prayer will not serve any purpose. Let's take an instance. Not every student in the same class can attain the first position even though they are taught by the same teacher. Only those making great effort in their study can achieve good results.

Let's look at three more examples. If you consult a doctor, you will be given a prescription. Then you need to take the action of buying and preparing the medicines for consumption rather than merely reading the prescription daily, which will not cure you. If you plan to visit Tibet, you have to start by saving money to buy air ticket and to pack up. You need to put the plan into action rather than merely contemplating the trip. Mere contemplation will not help realize your journey to Tibet. If a doctor tells you to stay away from fatty foods, you won't reduce weight by merely thinking of the advice unless you put the advice into action.

We should try our best to act for our own good. We should not think that we are unable to do it. As we can see, all the churches and temples are built by human rather than by deity. We can achieve our goal as long as we set a goal in the first place. Skilled craftsmen of Avalokitesvara statues and artists are scrupulous and perseverant in pursuing their artworks. We need to follow their vigor and set a good example for our offsprings.

In terms of filial piety, many teenagers nowadays disregard the importance of showing filial obedience to parents. Money can be earned if spent, but our parents cannot be replaced if they're gone. We need to understand that the enlightenment of Avalokitesvara is a result of her endeavors to do numerous good things, and not because of her dedication to worship. Avalokitesvara statue is a mere artifact that has no obligation to bring you up. Only parents will take up the duty to nurture children. We must feel an immense gratitude towards our parents. In ancient times people have to kneel down when seeing their emperor, parent and respected teacher, which manifests the high status of parent. In modern times people will only pay respect to deities and even kneel down in front of them. Nevertheless, they will not treat their parent with respect, and often they quarrel with their parents. People simply do not understand the philosophy of striving to make good of themselves. Understanding this philosophy is the only way towards progress and success in our life.

We should think twice before we say something, likewise we should think twice before acting. It is not good enough to praise yourself for having done something good. You need praises from other people to give endorsement. Only if you have experiences of facing difficulties and overcoming the same, then you will know the key to success.

Wars and conflicts in this world are commonplace in the absence of the pursuit for goodness and peace. It is necessary to know that morality must be achieved in order for it to contribute to peace and harmony, and this must start by the individual taking the lead to develop goodness. Unfortunately people are ignorant of this philosophy. Even people of faith only have a smattering of the beliefs. In fact all the teachings are very simple: they all emphasize the basic principle of doing good. However, most people do not grasp the meaning. I hope that all of you will understand this philosophy from this article.

I hope that all people in the world will strive to do good things to enhance their goodness. Also, they will treat their family members, parents, friends and foreigners with respect so as to enjoy a happy living in a harmonious world.

I hereby pray that Avalokitesvara will give blessings to all visitors of the exhibition, who have read and understood, and above all, put the philosophy into practice. Turning belief into action will bring happiness, filial piety, health, prosperity, stability and harmony to families and the world.

Grand Master Bai Long Wang (White Dragon King)
