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Message from Mr Toh Hock Ghim, Consul-General of Singapore  

The teachings of the Buddha have as much resonance today as when they were first made known 2,500 years ago. Buddhism's basic tenets of non violence and peace, of love and compassion, of freedom from selfishness, hatred and violence, and a heart of love and understanding are the essence of humanity, which are to be found in all the major religions in human history.

While it is undoubtedly true that mankind today has achieved much progress where material comfort is concerned, we continue to be beset by various types of afflictions. Advances in technology and greater prosperity have ironically generated even greater uncertainties and anxieties arising from greed, jealousy and other unwholesome traits. Instead of compassion, love, happiness, and peace that we all strive to achieve, we continue to witness anxiety, mistrust, hatred and warfare that are the causes of untold misery for many.

We are responsible for our own destiny. To get back on the right track towards enlightenment and harmony, we must cleanse our hearts and refresh ourselves with the basic tenets of the religion. Part of Buddhist practice involves training our minds through meditation. But if our training in calming our minds, developing qualities like love, generosity, benevolence and patience, is to be effective, we must put them into practice in our daily lives. For twenty-five hundred years, the practices and teachings of Buddhism have offered a systematic way to see clearly and live wisely. They have offered a way to discover liberation within our own bodies and minds, even as we continue to lead the busy lives of ours in this world.

Even if only a few individuals try to create mental peace and happiness within themselves and act responsibly and kindheartedly towards others, they will have a positive influence on their community. If we can all do that, we will fulfill the Buddha's fundamental instruction to avoid harming others, and just by doing so, contribute to the development of our communities and societies.

As Hong Kong is a metropolitan city, it welcomes people from different corners of the world possessing different cultures, beliefs, and attitudes towards life. Notwithstanding these diversities, we are all united by our common goals of attaining peace and harmony in our humanity.

On behalf of the Singapore Consulate General in Hong Kong, I congratulate Champion Technology on hosting this wonderful exhibition of Peace and Harmony: The Divine Spectra of Avalokitesvara from Tibet, China.

Toh Hock Ghim
Consul-General of Singapore in HKSAR
