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Message from Ambassador Alaudeen A. Alaskary, Consul General of Saudi Arabia  

The Arabic word "Islam" has two meanings: 1) Peace and 2) Submission to God, the creator of the universe and mankind. The religion of Islam is one of peace, although recently it has been hijacked by some fanatics and extremists who have resorted to violence and bloodshed. Like the teachings of Buddhism which embrace the message of non-violence and peace, of love and compassion, of truth and wisdom, of respect and regard for all lives, and its many other lofty ideals, the tenets and values of Islam stand good for today and will stand forever as the Truth.

The world we live in today is torn by strife. Advances in technology and greater prosperity have ironically made us more vulnerable to vices, greed, and dilemma. We are responsible for our destiny. To get back on the right track towards enlightenment and harmony, we must cleanse our hearts and refresh ourselves with the basic doctrines of the religion.

I'm pleased to see Paul taking time out of his busy schedule to organise this exhibition of Peace & Harmony : The Divine Spectra of Avalokitesvara from Tibet, China . Avalokitesvara is the symbol for peace, harmony, and compassion for mankind. Not only will the exhibition be useful in educating the public about their awareness of the long-established culture and artistic values of Chinese civilization and history, it will also be inspiring to a wide cross-section of the public, including foreigners such as myself and my family, to pause for a moment to appreciate the good intentions of Buddhist beliefs.

Our two countries may be quite different in terms of culture and history, but we are united by our common bondage for peace and harmony.

Once again, let me congratulate you on putting together such a meaningful event and letting us all to participate.

Ambassador Alaudeen A. Alaskary
Consul General
Royal Consulate General of Saudi Arabia (HKSAR)
