i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Permanency
A Brief Introduction to the Fragrance Cultures of the World
There is a great amount of natural incense and spices in the world and fragrances had penetrated the globe before the birth of human civilization. Ever since the beginning of the world, various nations have acquainted themselves with a variety of aromatics. While the development of civilization continued as time went by, incense gradually evolved from a device for purifying the environment, curing diseases, driving out evil spirits and for use in religious ceremonies into a substance of an elegant lifestyle. Hence, it is an important manifestation of the material and spiritual evolution of mankind. In ancient times, rare spices were as expensive as gold due to the great demand of different countries, encouraging traders to open up trade routes continuously. By around 1700 BC, major trade routes had been established throughout the Middle East for spice trade, expanding into Europe, Asia and Africa later on.1..........


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