i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Permanency
An Introduction to the Chinese Incense Culture
Fragrance – abstract and intangible, pleasant and soothing, a graceful gift of heaven that awakes the soul. From antiquity, incense culture has accompanied the glorious history of China and grown up with the Chinese civilization, becoming an integral part of Chinese culture. The ancients had realized the spirituality of incense in their exploration of nature. Through interactions among various faiths, various philosophies and the evolution of material civilization in society, the Chinese have developed a comprehensive incense culture incorporating the collection of aromatics, the appreciation and examination of incense, the blending of incense and spices, the production of incense vessels and tools, as well as the pursuit of the cultivation of the mind and an elegant lifestyle. Combining the invaluable experiences of the ancestors and the essence of the humane philosophy, the incense culture is an important reference point for exploring the spirit and values of traditional Chinese culture...........


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