i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Permanency
The Culture and Treasures of Buddha Worship in Chinese Royal Families

Sarira worship was a popular ceremony for Buddhists and Buddha worship in Chinese history. Sariras can refer to “Buddha Bone Relics” or “Dharma Sariras”. Sariras usually refer to the sariras of Buddha Sakyamuni, although all kinds of sarira, including parietal bones, phalanges, teeth and hair have also been mentioned in the sutra, while Dharma Sarira refers to the sutras. According to historical records, an eminent monk saw pagodas made from incense powder by local people for housing the sutra, which were known as Dharma Sarira, when he traveled to India to practise Buddha Dharma.1 Sarira is the embodiment of the essence of the Buddha's body, speech and mind. Sarira worship brings great merits and relieves all mankind of the sufferings in the three realms of samsara.2



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