Commemorative Journal

Mr. Les Luck
Consul-General of Australia

The embrace of peace and harmony is more than a simple desire; it is at the core of human civilization.

In difficult times, it may be clear that we still have a long way to go but through the collective wisdom of our forebears we have made distinct progress in recognising our similarities, and understanding our differences as a global community. Much of this understanding comes through cultural exchange.

Exhibitions such as the Peace and Harmony series not only provide broad public access to an impressive collection of China's cultural past, they also help nurture exchange of cultural values, in this instance the ideals of enlightened wisdom as embodied by Manjusri.

Champion Technology is to be commended for its role promoting the ideals of cross-cultural understanding. For this reason the Australian Consulate-General wishes all success to the exhibition Peace and Harmony – The Divine Spectra of Manjusri enshrining the Wisdom of China with 108 pieces of Manjusri and related artifacts.

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