i^U Exhibition Review
Dr. Ker Sin Tze
Consul-General of Singapore

I am happy to write this congratulatory message for Dr. Paul Kan, Honorary Consul of Hungary. Although formally trained as an engineer, Dr. Kan has also become an expert in the humanities and philosophy. His efforts in bridging understanding of the East and West, as demonstrated in the two exhibitions under the “Peace and Harmony” theme, has earned him the respect of the intelligentsia in Hong Kong.

The 108 Aloes of sacred scripture and related artifacts dedicated to the theme of Peace and Harmony are a fascinating display of the wisdom of the Oriental philosophy. This simple herbal plant known as the Aloe, since ancient times, has been used throughout the ages as a healing medicine. To use the Aloe as a tribute to Buddhism, which soothes and heals the human soul, is most appropriate.

Aloe is widely used in Singapore, just as Buddhism is widely practised. Singapore is a multi-racial and multi-religious society. Three great civilisations – Chinese, Indian and Islam – congregate in our country. Not only were there no conflicts, the different cultures have thrived and enriched one another. “Peace and Harmony” are values which we hold dear, not just as a mere slogan but practised in our daily work and life.

Last but not least I wish to congratulate Dr. Kan for his good work. I hope the exhibitions under the “Peace and Harmony” theme will go on for a long time.


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