i^U Exhibition Review
Mr. Przemyslaw M. Jenke
Consul General of the Republic of Poland

This year Dr. Paul Kan, in his quest for peace and harmony, presents to the Hong Kong audience his collection of objects made of agar (aloes) wood. Incidentally fragrance, the particular characteristic of agar wood, coincides with the name of Hong Kong (Fragrant Harbour).

As I learned from Dr. Kan himself the intention behind the display of these unique and valuable pieces of art was not only to present superb workmanship of long forgotten craftsmen but also to induce spectators to ponder upon spiritual and cultural connotations of the material.

It seems however that there is yet another aspect although one which perhaps is not evident at the first glance. Due to unstoppable demand, the agar tree is now listed in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which means that in not so distant future there may be agar tree no more.

Sadly too many battles to save numerous endangered species have already been lost. Let's hope that even now there is time for us to act to protect those just existing for the sake of the universal peace and harmony and may this become the further reflection created in the minds of the visitors.


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