i^U Exhibition Review
Mr. Les Luck
Australian Consul General

It is clear to me that the pursuit of peace and harmony is difficult without an understanding between cultures. This doesn't refer to just our similarities, but importantly to an appreciation of our differences.

Much of this understanding can be found in our cultural heritage. It is, after all, a people's cultural inheritance which gives context to modern day traditions and values and helps shape relationships with others.

That is why exhibitions such as those in the Peace and Harmony series play such an important role. By understanding as much as we can about the past, we can create a greater understanding of the global community of the present, and hopefully secure a more peaceful and harmonious future.

Dr Paul Kan is to be commended for taking another bold step in promoting the ideals of cross-cultural understanding. In particular, this exhibition will have special significance with its historic connection to Hong Kong. For this reason the Australian Consulate-General wishes all success to the exhibition “Peace and Harmony – The Divine Spectra of China's Fragrant Harbour, with 108 Aloes of Sacred Scripture and Related Artifacts”.


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