i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Artifacts
Agarwood Carving of “Perfection” (38 inch)

The agarwood carving called “Perfection” is an openwork sculpture of a “treasure mountain” carved out of an intact piece of agarwood. The wood is deep in colour with a primeval look – a rare and superb gem. The Laughing Buddhas in the sculpture all depict Budai, one of the incarnations of Maitreya. He is also venerated as a god of wealth by the folk, due to his kind and approachable image and big belly – a physical trait denoting good fortune in Chinese culture. Each of these gods of wealth holds a fan, a flag, a cane, a fly-whisk, ingots, Ruyi and a cloth sack, while the “money-carrying children” are busy pushing ..........


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