i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Permanency
Chinese Culture in a Western Perspective

The five-thousand-year glorious history and culture of China have aroused the interest of the world. Ever since the start of East-West cultural exchange, Westerners have been enthusiastic about studying traditional Chinese culture. Having penetrated many aspects of ancient Chinese life, the culture of incense is an interesting topic that is definitely worth studying. Justus Doolittle, renowned sinologist and missionary from America in the 19th century arrived Fujian in 1850, carrying out missionary work for over twenty years. With acute insight, he analyzed and researched on late Qing Fuzhou City in great detail, giving birth to a great work of sinology entitled Social Life of the Chinese, which discusses the politics, economy, folk religions, religious practices and education of China in a realistic and vivid manner. The book contains many interesting articles introducing the use of incense in ..........


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