i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Permanency
A Brief Introduction to Censers in Different Places

The incense culture has gestated along with the evolution of history. Since incense and spices were rare and expensive in ancient times, they were almost either exclusive to royal families and dignitaries or used as offerings in sacred religious ceremonies. Hence, censers or incense burners for perfuming and religious purposes as well as vessels for holding incense and spices in those days were fastidiously crafted using the choicest materials and the most elegant shapes and designs. To show devotion and respect to the gods, the production of religious implements always adhered strictly to rituals. These stupendous art pieces have manifested the role of incense culture in the development of human civilization.

A gilt silver flower-shaped censer with a bird stand

A French vintage bronze censer with double handles

A Middle Eastern bronze censer

A three-piece Middle Eastern incense utensil set


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