i^U Exhibition Review
Commemorative Journal - Gratitude
It is an ancient tradition that almost all faiths use incense to make offerings to their Lord Almighty for expressing their gratitude and respect. “Gratitude” is being grateful, an expression of thanks for grace and kindness. Georg Simmel, a German sociologist, once said, “Gratitude, as it were, is the moral memory of mankind.” A grateful heart is the most fundamental of human morality; it represents “cherish good fortune” and “return by giving”. The ancient sages were all grateful for the heavenly gifts of the bestowal of lives. Nations of different faiths in the world often carry out rituals to worship Heaven and Earth, and gods and deities. They have created all kinds of sacrificial incense utensils to be filled with superior incense for burning and offering, both as a token of sincere thanks for the heavenly grace upon the earth, and to appreciate the ancestors’ blessings on the descendants..........


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